Monday, September 6, 2010

Needing ideas for creating help desk tutorials

What tool(s) do you use for creating tutorials?

For me, creating a tutorial either involves using camstudio, jing, or a series of screen captures. I've briefly looked at Wing but didn't like the controls.

I get a number of requests for creating tutorials. I usually avoid creating them because a simple tutorial takes much longer than just explaining the process over the phone or in person. Long-term, I can see that tutorials may help eliminate some of the help desk requests around the churches I work for.

If you have a process or some suggestions, I'd appreciate the feedback.

1 comment:

  1. I also use Camtasia for creating help tutorials for the business applications I support. Generally use it for explaining certain aspects of the application and to demo new system updates. Although it can take a few hours to create tutorils I find it's more efficient in the long run as it cuts down on my support time of common/duplicate questions from users
