Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My 8530 Curve Purchase

A sorted history...

I spent a number of years sans smartphone. Couple of reasons...I'd saved up my Best buy bucks / gift cards for an iPod touch a while back, and I attempted to hold out for the end of AT&T's exclusivity deal. I like Verizon, family is on Verizon, and I once spent two hours on the phone trying to get through AT&T's tech support to get a silly DSL line activated. I dislike wasting client time on slow moving tech support.

My brother provided me with his old HTC Touch Pro a number of months ago but my toddler decided she would like to do a drop test onto my hardwood floor.

So, I continued to use my combination cell phone / iPod touch until the Palm Pre caught my eye. The buy one, get one deal seemed appealing and the reviews remained positive. The next day or so I learn that Palm looks to sell all assets to another company. No sense in getting a phone that may never receive another update.

Present day...sort of

At the point I learned of Palm's need to sell, I was stuck on getting some type of smartphone. I noticed the Blackberry deal Verizon had and decided to give it a try.

After a brief scuffle with trying to purchase the phone in-store and being told I would need to pay an early renewal fee, I decided to order online where the fee is waived. I went through the process of saying "no" to adding the kitchen sink accessory package to arrive at a total price of ...$0. Even the rep on the phone seemed surprised, she said it with a degree of trepidation.

So, no early renewal fee and the phone is free. My inner Scrooge responded with a slight decrease in his negative outlook on consumer product pricing.

I've worked with the phone a week and I now realize what I was missing. Earlier today I used my Curve to transfer money between accounts. Something I could only do when I was in WiFi range if I was using my touch.

My only caveat, the poor battery life. The issue solves easily with an extra charger but I already carry around too many cords so it's mildly annoying.

I'll do some follow-ups on the BES capabilities and other "fun" apps but right now my fingers are pooped. I typed the entire post on my Blackberry.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! You may not have your PC's with you all the time, but with great phones like BB, you can now get socially connected all the time! Entrepreneurs also used this gadget for organizing and time management.
